Healthcare News
Obesity and weight loss: Why overall calorie intake may not be so important
Source: Medical News Today
Conventional scientific opinion has attributed weight gain to a net surplus of calories due to burning fewer calories than taking in. Opposing this view, the carbohydrate-insulin model states that diet quality matters more for weight loss than total calorie intake.
Obesity & Covid
Studies show that the greatest risk of developing severe COVID-19 and being hospitalized is in patients who are overweight. Approximately 40% of Americans are obese which puts them at a greater risk for chronic inflammation and a weakened immune system, two conditions that are known to worsen COVID-19.
How to Qualify for Bariatric Surgery
Many people live with obesity and no matter how much exercise and dieting they do, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. There could be many reasons for this. Bariatric surgery, sometimes known as weight loss surgery, is an option for people who struggle with obesity or those who have tried other means of weight loss that simply hasn’t worked for them. Weight loss surgeries make changes to your stomach and digestive system that will limit how much you can eat and how the nutrients are absorbed.
How to Qualify for Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery provides a long-lasting weight-loss solution for obese patients. The surgery, whether it would be a gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, makes changes to the stomach and digestive system that limits the amount of food that can be eaten and how many nutrients can be absorbed.
People living with obesity struggling with their weight in silence
Source: Medical Xpress
People living with obesity in the UK take an average of nine years to speak to a doctor about their weight struggles—according to new research involving the University of East Anglia.