Healthcare News
Cumulative lifetime excess weight has bigger impact on colorectal cancer risk
Source: Medical Xpress
Cumulative lifetime excess weight has a greater impact on colorectal cancer (CRC) risk than excess weight at a single time point, according to a study published online March 17 in JAMA Oncology.
Study finds childhood trauma and genetics linked to increased obesity risk
Source: Medical Xpress
New research from the Healthy Nevada Project has found associations between genetics, obesity, and childhood trauma, linking social health determinants, genetics, and disease. The study, which was published this week in Frontiers in Genetics, found that participants with specific genetic traits and who experience childhood traumas are more likely to suffer from adult obesity.
An obesity treatment for women only?
Source: Medical Xpress
University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have identified a potential way to battle the health effects of obesity and type 2 diabetes in women after discovering an important factor that could determine how their bodies use and store fat.
Excess Weight in Midlife Means a Sicker Old Age: Study
Source: HealthDay
Here's a compelling reason to shed those extra pounds: A new study finds that middle-aged people who are obese, or even simply overweight, may face more health problems down the road.
What dietitians have that nutritionists don't
Nutrition is a crucial aspect of the bariatric journey and we don't leave it up to just anyone. Meet Kim Riley, RD, from our bariatric team. In this video, she explains some important differences between being a dietitian vs. a nutritionist.