How to Qualify for Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery provides a long-lasting weight-loss solution for obese patients. The surgery, whether it would be a gastric bypass or gastric sleeve, makes changes to the stomach and digestive system that limits the amount of food that can be eaten and how many nutrients can be absorbed.

Despite being a recommended surgery for obese patients, many criteria must be met in order to become a candidate. You or your patient may be a candidate for bariatric surgery if they meet the following criteria:
- BMI of 35 to 39.9, with two or more comorbidities, such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea or heart disease
- BMI of 40 or more, with or without comorbidities
- Proven inability to lose weight in the past
- Obesity-related conditions that could be life-threating if untreated
- No medical conditions that may put a patient at risk during and after surgery
- Psychological preparation, as depression after surgery is a serious risk
- Motivation to work after surgery to lose the weight
- Age requirements, if applicable.
Even if you qualify for bariatric surgery based on the criteria above, you have to consider your goals and your ability to follow through. For example, it is important if you have a bariatric procedure that you make a lifelong commitment to making changes in your diet. This includes consuming sufficient protein, taking vitamin and mineral supplements such as a multivitamin, B12, iron, and calcium, and avoiding sweets and fatty foods.
Keep in mind that no one knows you as well as you know yourself. Think very carefully about your answers to the following questions as you consider having weight loss surgery:
- How much weight do I want to lose?
- Do I want a reversible procedure?
- What compromises am I willing to make to lose weight and improve my health?
- What are my expectations for life after surgery?
- Based on my current age, weight, health issues, habits, and lifestyle, does surgery make sense for me?
Once you have seriously considered the questions above, have tried other options to lose weight, and once your doctors qualify you for surgery, we welcome you to contact one of our expert bariatric surgeons to continue your weight loss journey.